This is a fixed mindset which is stopping us coming up with solutions to the crisis in our soil health and biodiversity loss. It is also stopping us addressing the challenge of climate change in our agriculture.
Firstly, we have far more food than we need. At present, around a third of food produced worldwide is wasted – waste food in landfill is a very significant cause of methane emissions. As a result of modern food production and farming practices, many people eat low-nutrient, poor-quality food or more food than they need, causing an increase in diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
What we need is healthy, high-quality nutrition which enables people to stay fit and well. Over-processed and artificially-produced foods are often expensive, over-packaged and unhealthy. The strawberry that does not smell or taste has obviously not got the same nutritious value as a real, sun-ripened strawberry grown in healthy soil in the summer.
Using livestock and crop rotations and farming with nature, soil fertility can be restored ending the need for artificial fertilisers and pesticides. They are a waste of money and they damage the soil, the very thing we rely on for our healthy food.
The transition requires bravery and resilience but, in the end, the soil and the environment and the people who need healthy nourishment now and in the future will thank us.