Shouldn’t we all be eating more plant-based food and less meat?

The answer to this question is complicated and multi-faceted but we believe that the right approach for our health and the environment is to eat a predominantly plant-based diet and good quality organic, grass-fed meat that has not damaged the environment (for those that want it). We think The Soil Association sums it up neatly [...]

Shouldn’t we all be eating more plant-based food and less meat?2023-05-31T11:41:43+00:00

Why can’t you grow crops and other plants on your land rather than farming animals?  Surely that’s better for the environment?

With a finite amount of land available to us in the world, we believe that it is vital that the right food is produced on the right land.     Not all land is suitable for growing crops. Our river meadows, for example, cannot be ploughed up and used for arable farming – they must remain [...]

Why can’t you grow crops and other plants on your land rather than farming animals?  Surely that’s better for the environment?2023-03-01T09:02:20+00:00

How do organic, 100% pasture fed livestock like cows and sheep contribute positively to the environment?

People don’t realise that herbivorous animals (who are naturally raised on grassy pastures) cycle carbon and fertilise the soil, helping to increase biodiversity and environmental health.   When properly farmed, livestock actually inject life back into tired soils and reinvigorate it. They can also help tackle the huge loss of biodiversity now found on most [...]

How do organic, 100% pasture fed livestock like cows and sheep contribute positively to the environment?2023-03-01T09:02:07+00:00

I thought cows emitted a lot of methane which contributes to climate change?

It is true that all cows (including grass fed cows) do emit methane in their burps (which contributes to climate change).  However, it is our view that they have been unfairly blamed for the increase in methane levels around the world and replacing these fossil-fuel efficient animals that produce nutritious food with more fossil fuel [...]

I thought cows emitted a lot of methane which contributes to climate change?2023-03-01T09:01:54+00:00

Why is organic meat more expensive?

Organic meat does tend to be more expensive than meat that is farmed conventionally but many people do not realise the true cost of non-organic food to people and the planet (for example due to the use of harmful chemicals in fertilisers and pesticides).   It is more expensive because production is lower and slower [...]

Why is organic meat more expensive?2023-03-01T09:01:40+00:00

What are the sustainable and regenerative initiatives you are currently doing on the farm?

We have many sustainable and regenerative farming initiatives in progress, including developing our river meadows to create wetlands for wildlife, making annual hay cuts to improve grassland biodiversity and planting native shrubs, trees and hedges. Click here to find out more.

What are the sustainable and regenerative initiatives you are currently doing on the farm?2023-03-08T12:49:19+00:00

Can we really feed the world with organic food – don’t we need to use fertilisers and pesticides?

This is a fixed mindset which is stopping us coming up with solutions to the crisis in our soil health and biodiversity loss. It is also stopping us addressing the challenge of climate change in our agriculture.   Firstly, we have far more food than we need. At present, around a third of food produced [...]

Can we really feed the world with organic food – don’t we need to use fertilisers and pesticides?2023-05-11T15:41:37+00:00